My husband is Chinese, born n China, but now living in the US. He had his DNA tested by 23and me. Would the results be good for wegene? Would they be transferable? Is it safe to transfer?
I have tried under two different emails. It says it cannot recognize them. My husband's data was not very good with 23andme. Probably not enough Chinese database. Can you help me, please? Thank you. Andrea
Zionas, his results are 96.6 Chinese (being 99% East Asian, less than 0.1% European and less 0.1% Sub Saharan). Wegene will not allow me to post; I am 77 years old and computers are not easy for me. Thanks.
1. Log into your WeGene account, and click Settings on the top-right of the page.
2. Scroll down the new page and click the pink button labeled "Import 23andMe Data."
3. A new browser window will probably pop up. In the new window, enter your 23andMe username (an email address) and password.
4. Follow the instructions to complete the data importation process.
If the process fails, it may be due to (i) the use of a wrong email address or wrong password or (ii) poor internet connection between WeGene and 23andMe. Even with the correct username and password, you may need to try two or more times to complete the process when the data flow between WeGene and 23andMe is constricted because of filtering by the Chinese internet regulator.
10 个回复
1. 样品出入境很麻烦,需要建立本地实验室或者合作实验室。
2. 外资不允许直接收集中国人遗传数据,合资估计也很难获批,VIE结构在这个领域似乎还没有先例。
3. 产品没有为中国人群优化,例如,芯片上设计的位点没有考虑中国人群的SNP、祖源分析等对中国人群太粗。
赞同来自: MrDoubleX 、lgimba 、ww2272 、明远 、黄隆思 、焜堃哥 、解我更多 »
赞同来自: 费力科思 、然后怎样 、banana97 、zoushuhua 、gm520yoyo 、Elhe 、解我更多 »
第二章 人类遗传资源的采集和收集
第九条 在我国境内开展人类遗传资源的采集和收集活动,应当具备下列条件:
赞同来自: 费力科思 、ww2272 、解我
赞同来自: 解我
赞同来自: 解我
赞同来自: 解我
1. Log into your WeGene account, and click Settings on the top-right of the page.
2. Scroll down the new page and click the pink button labeled "Import 23andMe Data."
3. A new browser window will probably pop up. In the new window, enter your 23andMe username (an email address) and password.
4. Follow the instructions to complete the data importation process.
If the process fails, it may be due to (i) the use of a wrong email address or wrong password or (ii) poor internet connection between WeGene and 23andMe. Even with the correct username and password, you may need to try two or more times to complete the process when the data flow between WeGene and 23andMe is constricted because of filtering by the Chinese internet regulator.
Good luck!
赞同来自: 解我
赞同来自: 解我