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G1a2 maternal halogropu match or partial match?

Anyone have a match or partial match with maternal halogroup G1a2? I am adopted from China and am looking for relatives.
2017-07-20 • IP属地美国
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3 个回复

I'm a adopted kid too.  How can it find ur relatives? Is that work in wegene? Or just 23andme?
And ,anyway ,hope you can get what's u looking for .
vkrx - &广¥告%位#招*租)(
It isn't a good idea to look at maternal/paternal haplogroups if you are searching for close relatives, as there are usually thousands or even millions of people fall in the same group. Autosomal segment matches within 3 generations are mostly reliable, try Gedmatch one-to-many matches or "基因关系" in WEGENE.
i am G1a2a
