zhengqiang zhengqiang - 勤奋学习 综合讨论组


研究价值是我们用来对项目和项目内rsid的排序做依据的,参考snpedia的描述[code]Magnitude is a subjective measure of interest. Over time it should be adjusted up or down by the community. It is generally interpreted as follows...

0 You have the common genotype, for which nothing interesting is known.
0.1 You have the common genotype, but its interesting that this varies for others
1 Semi-plausible but not very exciting
(blank) No one has yet assigned a magnitude. Treated as a 1.
2 looks interesting enough to be worth reading
2.1 hmm, interesting
3 Probably worth your time
10 Really significant information!
2015-01-01 • IP属地深圳
按热门排序    按默认排序

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