
Predict Eye Color
Predicted Eye Color for Kit W492070 (V2)

/opt/gedmatch/databases/kits/V0W492070.bin Resource id #5
Read rules from top to bottom. In some cases, a rule cancels out results from rules above it.

TT at: rs916977 - Adds melanin. Some darkening.
GG at: rs4778138 - Adds melanin. Adds yellow, amber, or brown. Some darkening. Contributes to brown.
GG at: rs7495174 - Adds melanin. Very slight darkening.
CC at: rs3794604 - Blocks some melanin. Often gives light colored eyes.
CC at: rs9782955 - Blocks some melanin. Often gives light colored eyes.
CT at: rs3947367 - Contrasting sphincter around pupil.
CC at: rs1129038 - High Melanin production. Brown.
AA at: rs1105879 - Weak Amber Gradient
GT at: rs7713279 - Inhibit weak amber gradient
AA at: rs4778241 - Medium melanin on Anterior Epithelium. Brown.
TT at: rs1470608 - Large amounts of melanin on Anterior Epithelium. Brown.
CC at: rs16891982 - Increased melanin production on Anterior Epithelium. Adds yellow, amber, or brown. Some darkening.
AA at: rs12913832 - High melanin production on Anterior Epithelium. Adds yellow, amber, or brown. Some darkening. Contributes to brown.
CC at: rs1667394 - Increased melanin production on Anterior Epithelium. Adds yellow, amber, or brown. Some darkening.
CC at: rs12203592 - No pigmented Collarette.

2016-10-09 • IP属地中国
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2 个回复

zhengqiang - 勤奋学习
